Magento is widely known for being the leading e-commerce solution, offering businesses a platform to work in tandem with retail stores and maximum customer reach through their online presence.
Magento is widely known for being the leading e-commerce solution, offering businesses a platform to work in tandem with retail stores and maximum customer reach through their online presence. Now after 4 years of anticipation and discussion, Magento 2 is now available. However unlike its predecessor, Magento 2 offers a completely refined and reformed eCommerce development platform with an abundance of new features and improvements. This creates a revolutionary benchmark for online retailers, setting the standards high for eCommerce businesses.
So what should you expect?
Expect an improved database:
For a Magento website, it's Achilles' heel was the fact that there was only one single database running the entire program. Today, the Magento 2 features offers standalone databases for various tasks. For instance, you can essentially have the front end of your site's content, products and categories service out on one mySQL database, and a separate database for your check out page. This upgrade is a crucial element to Magento 2 as it dedicates resources to the most important aspect: the purchasing element.
Expect an improved check out process:
Deriving from the previous point, Magento 2 re-imagines the entire check out process by simplifying the entire ordeal for not only the customer's benefit, but for the business itself; top sites will have figured out that the less information you ask for on a check out page, the more likely people are going to walk away with a purchase. With Magento 2, basic shipping information is simply asked for during the check out process - it's only after a successful transaction that the offer to create an account appears. In addition, the "Credit Card Type" field has been completely removed and instead recognises the card category through number detection (MasterCard, Visas and Amex cards for instance all start with a different number). Although it seems small, it's one less element to consider which results in a faster process.
Expect a new theme workflow:
One main difference of the two systems is that there is the removal of skin director - that is, everything can be managed directly from the app structure. In addition, there is an individual view directly for all modules, where the director stores the module specific template, ls, css/ less files and layouts. With this approach, it can prove useful to developers.
Expect a new and improved layout:
This intuitive concept replaced the original structural block concept which used to be listed in core/text_list. The Magento 2 features now comes with a container wrapper system where the layouts have been divided into smaller and interchageable compartments, done to make maintenance more easy and creating an interactive interface.
Expect a complete UI library:
In order to match the particular requirements, it has developed a complete UI library on LESS. This particular selection means it comes with the internal complier which complies directly from PHP to CSS which means a faster development.
Acidgreen is an award-winning IT and digital marketing agency with over 15 years of experience within the web development sector. We house professionally trained experts who specialises in magento development to help create the perfect shopping experience for your customers. For more information on how to get started with acidgreen, contact us today.
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